
Eco-friendly lifestyle blog

Vegan pasta linguini ,a la Vongole, recipe with king oyster mushrooms (cruelty-free)

Vegan linguini mushroom vongole recipe

This is a plant-based version of one of my favourite dishes from the past. Pasta Vongole with clams. Since I now strive for a more plant-based life which is more ethical, cruelty-free and environmental I have created a version which fully curbs my cravings for my beloved dish as well as makes me really full and without the usual, carb coma.
DM me if you want the full recipe.

King oyster mushroom
Vegan butter (organic naturli)
Sea salt
Shallots (or onions) and garlic
White pepper
Organic brown rice linguini pasta
White wine
Olive oil

Start with setting your pot for the pasta to boil with salted water on high heat. 

Slice mushrooms (start with some large sizes for presentation) and then the rest into thin long pieces. 

Now, add your pasta to the water if it is boiling (set the timer accordingly to the instructions on the pack or to your own preference - I prefer a bit softer pasta personally as it feels more comforting)
!!! Before you strain the pasta, remove a 1/2 cup of that salty water and set aside (very easy to forget).

First pan the large pieces on a pan with a little vegan butter, salt and white pepper.
Meanwhile, slice your shallots and garlic (garlic sliced very fine or made into a paste) and then stir fry them in the pan and add the small chopped mushroom pieces as well. Season them with salt and white pepper.

Strain your pasta when ready and do not forget to set aside 1/2 cup of the pasta water. 

* If you wish your sauce to have more of a body and thickness you can add 1 teaspoon/person of flour into the with wine and stir well before adding it to the pan. 

When the mushrooms are nice and soft (King oyster mushrooms can feel a bit starchy if undercooked) add 1/4 of a cup of your pasta water and chilli (if you want) and let it simmer down and add white wine as well and a knob of butter (if you are on a diet you can skip the butter here).

Chop up your parsley while your sauce is reducing. 

Taste your sauce and season with anything you feel like it is missing (based on your taste, I like it as it is but you can add: lemon, herbs, sugar, tomatoes, tomato passata, chickpeas, olive oil, strong stock, organic vegan stock cubes, - there are no rules in cooking, only in baking :) ). 

Now, add your pasta and stir. Let it sit for a little while so the pasta can absorb some of the taste. Add your parsley (leave some for garnish if you wish). 

Garnish with parsley and drizzle with a bit of olive oil for a heart-healthy fat. Decorate with your large mushroom pieces. 

Perfect with a chilled glass of white wine or plain cold water.



  1. Thanks for the recipe idea! I was looking for a vegan/vegetarian alternative to that famous dish and I am glad to have found your blog! Friendly hugs from Europe :)

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